Friday, January 30, 2015

Fort Wayne Exterminator: Natural Solutions to Fight Springtime Pests

As you leave the cold winter behind and welcome the balmy spring season with open arms, you’ll likely be taking steps to prepare yourself for the temperate weather up ahead. However, it’s highly likely that you’re not the only one in your home that’s doing some spring preparations—pests will be readying themselves, too. You can expect to see more of the usual suspects, such as spiders, termites, ants, and ticks as the temperature increases. Obviously, you’ll want to get rid of them, and though there are plenty of ways to go about it, such as hiring a Fort Wayne exterminator, you need to consider how your removal measures affect the environment. To ensure that you make the least amount of adverse impact on the environment, here are some of the best natural solutions against those pesky little springtime critters that have found dwelling in your home.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

From Pest Management in Fort Wayne: Watch out for Uninvited Guests

During the cold months, nothing is more tempting to a rodent than the warmth of a human home. Professional pest management in Fort Wayne warns homeowners about finding signs of rodent activity at this time of year. The Daily Record shares some tips on how to evict these uninvited guests and keep them away safely. Rats bearing disease When working in suspected rat-infested areas, be sure to wear a protective mask and gloves. These unwanted houseguests leave a deadly souvenir in their droppings which is the Hantavirus. The disease manifests itself as flu-like symptoms and could lead to death. Other diseases that originate from rat waste matter include Leptospirosis and Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis. Even the hair they shed can trigger allergies and chronic attacks in asthma sufferers. Clean the area with a bleach-based cleaner repeatedly and ventilate the area to ensure the area is disease-free.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Fort Wayne Pest Control Can Eliminate Flying and Crawling Nuisances

If there are too many flying ants in your home during wintertime, that could be a sign of bad things to come. A few of them in the summer could be negligible, but their presence indoors during winter could be an indication of a carpenter ant nest inside your home. In an article for About Home, pest expert Lisa Jo Lupo shares some tips to rid your home of crawling pests and when is the right time to call in professional pest control in Fort Wayne.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Fort Wayne Pest Exterminators on the Case Against Fleas and Ticks

If you have pets like dogs or cats, the threat of them being hit by fleas or ticks is never far behind. You will often need adequate pest control work to deal with them during the winter months. In a December 11, 2010 op-ed piece for the Covington Reporter, Barb Horton said fleas are a danger to be reckoned with – especially when you have friends coming over with dogs or cats in tow. Residents of Fort Wayne, Indiana, may agree with fellow Hoosiers in saying that they’re more dog people than cat people. There are many dog rescue/adoption organizations in Indiana as well as events for the beloved canines. When your household is “under attack” by fleas or tick infestation, never hesitate to call on skilled Fort Wayne exterminators like Liberty Pest Management, Inc. to solve it in short order.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hiring an Exterminator in Fort Wayne to Eliminate Winter Pests At Home

Pests can infest anyplace, anytime, and are invulnerable to the winter cold. Dealing with a pest control exterminator may be another story, but can be of big help to you. In an article for info resource Pest World, writer Missy Henriksen says that winter can present its own raft of challenges. Some weather models for Fort Wayne, IN, predict that the remaining winter period will not be as harsh as it was in the early part of 2014. Weather experts say that the arrival of the El Niño phenomenon can weaken the winter’s effects, but might still provide ample room for traditional winter pests to thrive. When you’re concerned with keeping all pests out in the cold, you have to hire an exterminator from Fort Wayne like the people from Liberty Pest Management, Inc. to help you deal with the problem.