Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Pest Management for Boat Owners in Fort Wayne: Evading Rodent Problems

So it’s summer again here in Fort Wayne—the perfect season to get in your boat, enjoy the warm breeze, and just create new awesome outdoor memories. However, before setting sail, you may want to ensure your boat is pest-free. When most people hear about pest management for boats, they usually think termite extermination, but boats can also be infested with rodents, and in some cases, the havoc they wreck is a lot worse. If you’re unfortunate enough to encounter rodents like mice, rats and, most recently, raccoons aboard your vessel, you must come up with a clever strategy to outwit them. Apart from being incredibly unpleasant, they cause a lot of damage that will definitely cost you—chewing anything and everything, from wires and plastic fittings to hoses and thru-hulls—and can even sink boats.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Pest Control in Fort Wayne: It’s Officially Mosquito and Tick Season

Summer may be a time for fun outdoor activities and travel, but the warm weather also increases the prevalence of pests. According to a report featured by NBC33 news, the tick and mosquito season has officially begun. For humans as well as household pets, mosquitoes and ticks are not just a nagging nuisance; they also pose a severe health hazard. For those who don’t know, the mosquito is regarded as the most dangerous animal on Earth, with the World Health Organization dubbing it responsible for thousands of human lives lost due to their disease-bearing properties.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Fort Wayne Exterminators: Basic Tips for Preventing Household Pests

Some household pests only come out at certain times of the year, but there are those that thrive in all seasons such as mice, roaches, spiders and raccoons. Using pesticides or traps against these creatures may seem effective at first, but this does not present a permanent solution because the rest of their species may still return. It’s also not safe because these pesticides could contain toxic substances dangerous to human health. That’s why pest elimination is best left to professional Fort Wayne exterminators, who use green methods to tackle pest infestations. Meanwhile, the most effective approach you can take is prevention. The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) laid out tips on how to create a pest-free indoor environment.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Fort Wayne Exterminator: How to tell Termites from Carpenter Ants

American homes are no strangers to pest infestation. In select locales, different species of ants can call a specific dwelling their home. Of all these species, quite a few can actually destroy a home from the inside. They are aptly called carpenter ants, perhaps second behind termites for the title of most destructive house pest in existence. Yet, it’s sometimes hard to tell the two types of critters apart, making it necessary for you to discern and choose the right exterminator in Fort Wayne and elsewhere. Both carpenter ants and termites swarm during spring in order to mate and reproduce. Due to several qualities, it’s somewhat difficult to tell them apart from each other, though various differences still abound.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fort Wayne Pest Management: A Must for Buildings with Termite Woes

There’s no denying that termites are among the worst nightmares of homeowners as these pests can eat away the supporting structures of a home. Stories of how termites can wreak havoc on a home are enough to send shivers among many people, knowing how these little insects can cause great damage on structures. Homeowners, however, aren’t the only ones worrying about termites. Commercial buildings are also at risk of termite infestation, making it a problem even for building owners. Fortunately, buildings, especially those with parts made of cellulose material, can be protected from termites with an effective Fort Wayne pest management strategy.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Eco-Friendly Pest Control in Fort Wayne This Summer to Fight Ants

Summer is once again around the corner, and with warmer weather comes another army of ants making their way to houses everywhere. Ants are considered the top nuisance pests in America, and they are sure to make an appearance inside your home as the weather warms. With the help of eco-friendly pest control in Fort Wayne, however, you can bid adieu to these unwelcome critters while at the same time protecting your family from exposure to harmful pesticide chemicals. Why Ants Go Out During Summer Generally, ants are responsible in aerating the soil to make it more beneficial for plants, and they even feed on other pests like termites and fleas. Indeed, ants may be of great help outdoors, but there’s no way you should let them inside your home, since they could contaminate the food you eat or spread diseases. Moreover, some types of ants, when disturbed, can attack, causing a painful sting.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Skilled Fort Wayne Exterminators Give Tips on Natural Roach Repellants

Nobody likes cockroaches showing up in their home as these dirty insects track in dirt and are a known vector for disease. They also happen to be quite smelly and unhygienic. Combined with their ability to crawl into almost everywhere, your food and health are definitely under threat. There are many ways to get rid of them, but quite a few of these options are also toxic to humans. Thankfully, experienced Fort Wayne exterminators know a few non-toxic, eco-friendly ways to get rid of them. Here are a few examples. Clean Things Up The best natural way to get rid or avoid a cockroach infestation is the simplest: keep your house clean. Cockroaches love dirty environments; it gives them a plethora of places to hide and a lot of food to feed on. A sink full of unwashed dishes and an open trash can are an invitation for roaches to move in. Ensure this doesn’t happen by always cleaning everything up; wash dishes promptly and place your garbage in sealed trash bags.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Tips from a Fort Wayne Exterminator: Keeping Termites Out Naturally

Termite infestations can be horribly devastating to a home. Wood is a popular building material, especially for homeowners seeking to provide an old-fashioned, rustic feel to their house. It’s sad to note, however, that the more wood a house has, the greater the danger it faces from termites. If you want to protect your house from these tiny ravagers, there are some tips from an exterminator in Fort Wayne on how to do just that. Termite Basics Before everything though, you’ll need to know more about the insects that are threatening your house. First of all, there are two types of termites that can cause damage to your home. They are the drywood and subterranean types. They are both damaging to buildings and wooden structures so you'll need to keep your eyes peeled for them.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Practical Pest Management in Fort Wayne: From EPA Tips to the IPM

Moist, greasy, and dusty spaces, or basically all areas that are left unkempt breed pests, from earwigs to silverfish, which could become hazardous both to human health and a structure’s integrity. Besides homes, cluttered spaces in a workplace invite ants, cockroaches, and rodents to thrive. It helps to keep a place neat and tidy at any time to eliminate possibilities of pest infestation. Tips from the EPA The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a booklet of basic preventive guidelines against pests, stating that pests typically propagate in places that provide them basic necessities of air, food, shelter, and moisture. Removing their access to these needs will deter them from ever coming back. For instance, daily pantry cleanups, screen installations on windows, and keeping paper from piling up on your desk can really work wonders in reducing the chances of pest infestation as they preclude opportunities for pests to hide and live in your immediate environment.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Professional Pest Control in Fort Wayne: Ecological Approach At Home

Mice, cockroaches and bed bugs are common household pests that thrive in dark, moist areas and cause damage to your health and property. Unfortunately, cases of pesticide poisoning compel insect and health specialists to look for a safer approach to pest control. This gave rise to the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system. IPM is composed of a series of methods meant to manage pests with the least amount of harm to the environment, to people and their property. It involves studying current information about the pest’s behavior to determine the most appropriate options to resolve a pest control problem.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Pest Problems: Who You Gonna Call? Expert Fort Wayne Exterminators

Homeowners hate it when they discover that they have pests in the house. While it is natural to have pests, sometimes they can spread and their numbers can grow. The automatic reaction of homeowners is to try to handle the pests themselves, but there are cases when it is better to call Fort Wayne exterminators and have them deal with the problem, especially if it is an infestation. One of the indicators of the presence of an infestation is droppings. These can be found in certain areas of the house, notably the undisturbed areas. Aside from being a sign that rodents are taking over, these are also serious health risks and can spread diseases or contaminate food. If small, reddish brown spots are seen on the walls, upholstery, or mattresses, this can be a sign of bed bugs. These are especially difficult to eliminate, and professionals must be called in to deal with it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Call a Fort Wayne Termite Exterminator at Once if You See These Signs

Spring time has come, and for bugs, it can only mean one thing: it’s time to get moving. It’s not uncommon to see critters such as stink bugs and ants bring nuisance, but they’re the least of your problems. When spring comes, you need to be on guard against wood-eating, home-destroying termites. The warming weather is one major factor for attracting termite swarms. Due to this they tend to enter homes (where temperatures are typically warmer than the outdoors) and often remain undetected while they munch away at a building’s innards. While a single termite can theoretically take 3,144 years to eat a 1,000-square-foot home to the ground, a termite doesn’t live alone. One colony or swarm can easily number in the thousands, if not millions.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Fort Wayne Pest Management: Spider-Free Homes during Spring Season

"The best way to prevent spiders from coming into your home is by checking every nook and cranny, since even the smallest holes can be their entryway. Residents may start indoors by looking for cracks and/or holes in the walls and window screens, examining the ventilation systems, and searching dark areas like the basement and attic. For the home’s exterior, evaluate the walls, doors, as well as the gutters and downspouts. Bear in mind that house spiders generally prefer to spin their webs in ceiling corners and above or beneath fixtures. Upon detection of an infestation or a breeding spot, immediately call on professional services for proper pest management in Fort Wayne. Pest control experts would administer necessary control procedures by utilizing eco-friendly, non-toxic pesticides on the spiders’ breeding area and entranceways."

Friday, May 8, 2015

Effective Pest Control in Fort Wayne Fights Against These Summer Pests

As the temperatures get warmer and more comfortable, so are some common household pests ready to wreak havoc in your home and possibly affect your health. Summer might still be a few months from now, but it’s best that you know what to expect in the coming season and protect yourself and your home from nasty insects—especially with the help of a reliable pest control service in Fort Wayne.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Insect-Free: Expert Fort Wayne Exterminators Help Bug-Proof Your Home

"Experienced Fort Wayne exterminators can help a lot to ensure that your home is free from pests after you notice an infestation. However, sometimes it’s like locking the barn door after the horse has bolted: the damage has been done and you’ll still need to repair it. Additionally, further damage can take place if the exterminator uses chemical solutions. The best approach to dealing with insect invasions is to stop them from happening in the first place. Local exterminators can provide homeowners with some effective tips on making sure that bugs don’t drop by via the use of non-chemical solutions. "

Monday, May 4, 2015

A Fort Wayne Exterminator Can Use Natural Ways to Chase Away Ants

Ants may seem harmless enough, but they can be more than just an irritation. This is because their small size and tendency to seek food makes them a common cause of food contamination. Depending on where your ants come from, they may have been exposed to toxins or bacteria that would make your food inedible. This is why when detecting signs of an ant infestation it is best to have an exterminator in Fort Wayne take a look at your home for the best way to deal with ants.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Pest Management in Fort Wayne—A Must for Office Health and Safety

Mice and cockroaches are the most common pests found in offices according to the National Pest Management Association. Regardless of what kind of pest dwells in an office, all types bring about damages to the various equipment and pose health risks to the employees too, which can greatly affect the business’ operations. Nevertheless, there are simple steps on how to prevent pests from nesting in your working area. Start with determining specific spots like the office pantry, waste bins, and the restroom. Similar to home maintenance, the office should be regularly cleaned as well by dusting, proper storage of food, taking out waste daily, and sanitizing. Using insecticides may also be included, yet it is important to consider its possible health hazards to the employees, and natural alternatives are preferable.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Pest Control in Fort Wayne: Keeping Roaches Away from Your Property

Dirty or messy areas like a kitchen that’s full of unwashed dishes and garbage are appealing to cockroaches. Residents should keep in mind to maintain cleanliness in these areas, especially at night, given that roaches are active during this period. Damages on the exterior of the property such as cracks in the walls or floorboards could become the entry points of roaches into the building. Sealing these with a caulking gun or simply patching them up can help greatly in keeping roaches out of your living or working space. For worst-case scenarios, using commercial insecticide sprays are possible solutions in getting rid of these roaches; however, the chemicals contained by these insecticides can be harmful, thus contacting a company for pest control in Fort Wayne like Liberty Pest, Inc. should be done immediately.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fort Wayne Exterminators Suggest Safe and Natural Ways for Ant Control

Spring is just around the corner, bringing along good things such as warmth and blooming flowers. Unfortunately, spring is also an ant’s favorite season to wreak havoc in the structure of homes. Seeing some ants here and there might not necessarily equate to an immediate concern, but once they come in bunches, or, worse, you see anthills around your home, you must begin to address the problem at once. If you want to say goodbye to these little critters that can cause gradual structural damages to your home, calling trusted Fort Wayne exterminators is the best way to go; however, there are simple and cost-efficient ways to at least control the ant infestation in your home and mitigate the worst they could do. In fact, some of these possible solutions are natural and chemical-free, which works best against ants but don’t have any harmful effects to householders.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Trusted Fort Wayne Exterminator Dispels These Common Termite Myths

Little as they are, termites can actually cause big and serious problems in your home; more particularly, they eat away the cellulose components of your home, causing its gradual yet sure degradation and damage. Termites find shelter under the soil or plants near a wooded area, such as a house, and worker termites are known to forage for food for up to a hundred meters from their home, and the worst part is that they never stop eating away wood when they find it. To avoid further damage caused by these pesky little insects, acquiring the services of a Fort Wayne termite exterminator is a must; however, there are several myths floating around, or so-called tips that claim to keep away the termites or may lead homeowners to think that their home is termite-proof—when in actuality they are just as vulnerable as others.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Fort Wayne Pest Management Specialists Can Help Prevent Pantry Pests

The Fort Wayne – Allen County Department of Health has recently updated its website to make it easier for people to access health inspection records, news updates, and general information on health, including the prevention of the spread of contagious illnesses and diseases. In an effort to educate people through the website, the Department of Health featured tips on how to maintain a safe and sanitary environment by tackling issues such as proper pest management in Fort Wayne homes. Fort Wayne, just like anywhere else in the world, attracts its fair share of pests. No matter how tiny these creatures might be, pests can destroy furniture, propagate diseases, and contaminate food and water sources. Bugs such as Indian meal moths, cockroaches, ants and the like are attracted to stored food items, and it wouldn’t come as a surprise if you encounter such insects in your own kitchen pantry.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Pest Control in Fort Wayne: Get Rid of Rodents, Make Healthier Homes

The definition of a “healthy home” can be highly subjective, with a variety of several attributes you can link to it. You could refer to it as a place where residents promote positive emotional states for the family. It could also be understood as a house where its occupants pushes for the physical health of everyone. For the National Center for Healthy Housing or NCHH, healthy homes are characterized by seven principles. Safety is one of these pillars, where a home should not put children and adults at risk for injuries and accidents. Ventilation should also be optimal to enhance the indoor air quality and help in preserving the respiratory health of home residents.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Fort Wayne Exterminators Can Stop Pesky Office Cockroach Infestation

The visceral recoil and disgust one feels about cockroaches is, however, justified. These creatures are ridden with disease-causing germs on and in their bodies. People who are exposed to them are at a risk of catching illnesses like salmonellosis, gastroenteritis, and hepatitis A. Fortunately, office workers can safeguard against these creatures through simple cockroach control methods. Expectedly, for better and faster results, professional Fort Wayne exterminators should be called, whether in moderate or in extreme situations.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Fort Wayne Exterminator: Natural Solutions to Fight Springtime Pests

As you leave the cold winter behind and welcome the balmy spring season with open arms, you’ll likely be taking steps to prepare yourself for the temperate weather up ahead. However, it’s highly likely that you’re not the only one in your home that’s doing some spring preparations—pests will be readying themselves, too. You can expect to see more of the usual suspects, such as spiders, termites, ants, and ticks as the temperature increases. Obviously, you’ll want to get rid of them, and though there are plenty of ways to go about it, such as hiring a Fort Wayne exterminator, you need to consider how your removal measures affect the environment. To ensure that you make the least amount of adverse impact on the environment, here are some of the best natural solutions against those pesky little springtime critters that have found dwelling in your home.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

From Pest Management in Fort Wayne: Watch out for Uninvited Guests

During the cold months, nothing is more tempting to a rodent than the warmth of a human home. Professional pest management in Fort Wayne warns homeowners about finding signs of rodent activity at this time of year. The Daily Record shares some tips on how to evict these uninvited guests and keep them away safely. Rats bearing disease When working in suspected rat-infested areas, be sure to wear a protective mask and gloves. These unwanted houseguests leave a deadly souvenir in their droppings which is the Hantavirus. The disease manifests itself as flu-like symptoms and could lead to death. Other diseases that originate from rat waste matter include Leptospirosis and Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis. Even the hair they shed can trigger allergies and chronic attacks in asthma sufferers. Clean the area with a bleach-based cleaner repeatedly and ventilate the area to ensure the area is disease-free.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Fort Wayne Pest Control Can Eliminate Flying and Crawling Nuisances

If there are too many flying ants in your home during wintertime, that could be a sign of bad things to come. A few of them in the summer could be negligible, but their presence indoors during winter could be an indication of a carpenter ant nest inside your home. In an article for About Home, pest expert Lisa Jo Lupo shares some tips to rid your home of crawling pests and when is the right time to call in professional pest control in Fort Wayne.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Fort Wayne Pest Exterminators on the Case Against Fleas and Ticks

If you have pets like dogs or cats, the threat of them being hit by fleas or ticks is never far behind. You will often need adequate pest control work to deal with them during the winter months. In a December 11, 2010 op-ed piece for the Covington Reporter, Barb Horton said fleas are a danger to be reckoned with – especially when you have friends coming over with dogs or cats in tow. Residents of Fort Wayne, Indiana, may agree with fellow Hoosiers in saying that they’re more dog people than cat people. There are many dog rescue/adoption organizations in Indiana as well as events for the beloved canines. When your household is “under attack” by fleas or tick infestation, never hesitate to call on skilled Fort Wayne exterminators like Liberty Pest Management, Inc. to solve it in short order.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hiring an Exterminator in Fort Wayne to Eliminate Winter Pests At Home

Pests can infest anyplace, anytime, and are invulnerable to the winter cold. Dealing with a pest control exterminator may be another story, but can be of big help to you. In an article for info resource Pest World, writer Missy Henriksen says that winter can present its own raft of challenges. Some weather models for Fort Wayne, IN, predict that the remaining winter period will not be as harsh as it was in the early part of 2014. Weather experts say that the arrival of the El Niño phenomenon can weaken the winter’s effects, but might still provide ample room for traditional winter pests to thrive. When you’re concerned with keeping all pests out in the cold, you have to hire an exterminator from Fort Wayne like the people from Liberty Pest Management, Inc. to help you deal with the problem.