Sunday, May 10, 2015

Fort Wayne Pest Management: Spider-Free Homes during Spring Season

"The best way to prevent spiders from coming into your home is by checking every nook and cranny, since even the smallest holes can be their entryway. Residents may start indoors by looking for cracks and/or holes in the walls and window screens, examining the ventilation systems, and searching dark areas like the basement and attic. For the home’s exterior, evaluate the walls, doors, as well as the gutters and downspouts. Bear in mind that house spiders generally prefer to spin their webs in ceiling corners and above or beneath fixtures. Upon detection of an infestation or a breeding spot, immediately call on professional services for proper pest management in Fort Wayne. Pest control experts would administer necessary control procedures by utilizing eco-friendly, non-toxic pesticides on the spiders’ breeding area and entranceways."

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