Sunday, May 17, 2015

Practical Pest Management in Fort Wayne: From EPA Tips to the IPM

Moist, greasy, and dusty spaces, or basically all areas that are left unkempt breed pests, from earwigs to silverfish, which could become hazardous both to human health and a structure’s integrity. Besides homes, cluttered spaces in a workplace invite ants, cockroaches, and rodents to thrive. It helps to keep a place neat and tidy at any time to eliminate possibilities of pest infestation. Tips from the EPA The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a booklet of basic preventive guidelines against pests, stating that pests typically propagate in places that provide them basic necessities of air, food, shelter, and moisture. Removing their access to these needs will deter them from ever coming back. For instance, daily pantry cleanups, screen installations on windows, and keeping paper from piling up on your desk can really work wonders in reducing the chances of pest infestation as they preclude opportunities for pests to hide and live in your immediate environment.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Professional Pest Control in Fort Wayne: Ecological Approach At Home

Mice, cockroaches and bed bugs are common household pests that thrive in dark, moist areas and cause damage to your health and property. Unfortunately, cases of pesticide poisoning compel insect and health specialists to look for a safer approach to pest control. This gave rise to the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system. IPM is composed of a series of methods meant to manage pests with the least amount of harm to the environment, to people and their property. It involves studying current information about the pest’s behavior to determine the most appropriate options to resolve a pest control problem.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Pest Problems: Who You Gonna Call? Expert Fort Wayne Exterminators

Homeowners hate it when they discover that they have pests in the house. While it is natural to have pests, sometimes they can spread and their numbers can grow. The automatic reaction of homeowners is to try to handle the pests themselves, but there are cases when it is better to call Fort Wayne exterminators and have them deal with the problem, especially if it is an infestation. One of the indicators of the presence of an infestation is droppings. These can be found in certain areas of the house, notably the undisturbed areas. Aside from being a sign that rodents are taking over, these are also serious health risks and can spread diseases or contaminate food. If small, reddish brown spots are seen on the walls, upholstery, or mattresses, this can be a sign of bed bugs. These are especially difficult to eliminate, and professionals must be called in to deal with it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Call a Fort Wayne Termite Exterminator at Once if You See These Signs

Spring time has come, and for bugs, it can only mean one thing: it’s time to get moving. It’s not uncommon to see critters such as stink bugs and ants bring nuisance, but they’re the least of your problems. When spring comes, you need to be on guard against wood-eating, home-destroying termites. The warming weather is one major factor for attracting termite swarms. Due to this they tend to enter homes (where temperatures are typically warmer than the outdoors) and often remain undetected while they munch away at a building’s innards. While a single termite can theoretically take 3,144 years to eat a 1,000-square-foot home to the ground, a termite doesn’t live alone. One colony or swarm can easily number in the thousands, if not millions.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Fort Wayne Pest Management: Spider-Free Homes during Spring Season

"The best way to prevent spiders from coming into your home is by checking every nook and cranny, since even the smallest holes can be their entryway. Residents may start indoors by looking for cracks and/or holes in the walls and window screens, examining the ventilation systems, and searching dark areas like the basement and attic. For the home’s exterior, evaluate the walls, doors, as well as the gutters and downspouts. Bear in mind that house spiders generally prefer to spin their webs in ceiling corners and above or beneath fixtures. Upon detection of an infestation or a breeding spot, immediately call on professional services for proper pest management in Fort Wayne. Pest control experts would administer necessary control procedures by utilizing eco-friendly, non-toxic pesticides on the spiders’ breeding area and entranceways."

Friday, May 8, 2015

Effective Pest Control in Fort Wayne Fights Against These Summer Pests

As the temperatures get warmer and more comfortable, so are some common household pests ready to wreak havoc in your home and possibly affect your health. Summer might still be a few months from now, but it’s best that you know what to expect in the coming season and protect yourself and your home from nasty insects—especially with the help of a reliable pest control service in Fort Wayne.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Insect-Free: Expert Fort Wayne Exterminators Help Bug-Proof Your Home

"Experienced Fort Wayne exterminators can help a lot to ensure that your home is free from pests after you notice an infestation. However, sometimes it’s like locking the barn door after the horse has bolted: the damage has been done and you’ll still need to repair it. Additionally, further damage can take place if the exterminator uses chemical solutions. The best approach to dealing with insect invasions is to stop them from happening in the first place. Local exterminators can provide homeowners with some effective tips on making sure that bugs don’t drop by via the use of non-chemical solutions. "

Monday, May 4, 2015

A Fort Wayne Exterminator Can Use Natural Ways to Chase Away Ants

Ants may seem harmless enough, but they can be more than just an irritation. This is because their small size and tendency to seek food makes them a common cause of food contamination. Depending on where your ants come from, they may have been exposed to toxins or bacteria that would make your food inedible. This is why when detecting signs of an ant infestation it is best to have an exterminator in Fort Wayne take a look at your home for the best way to deal with ants.